19:0819:08, 12 October 2016diffhist+9,954 N
Creating Gay Spaces: Spaces of Social and Sexual FreedomBefore AIDS hit San Francisco, the Castro and its surrounding areas offered gay men unparalleled political, spatial, and sexual freedom. Mapping some of these spaces, this article offers a brief look into the spatial distribution of gay spaces in 1980s SF
09:3409:34, 10 October 2016diffhist+140 N
File:Bart5.jpgThe Look of Rapid Transit: 24th Street Mission station (1962). Image from Eric Fischer. https://www.flickr.com/photos/walkingsf/5069356976/.current
09:3409:34, 10 October 2016diffhist+223 N
File:Bart4.jpg“24th Street Mission Station, Street Plan,” From San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District Subway Station Designs, Definitive Phase, 1967. Image from Eric Fischer. https://www.flickr.com/photos/walkingsf/6074880848.current
09:3309:33, 10 October 2016diffhist+247 N
File:Bart3.jpgImage used with courtesy of Okamoto/Liskamm, Architects, Urban Designers, “Mission District Urban Design Study: 16th Street Station Area Perspective” (1966) Image from Eric Fischer., Flicker https://www.flickr.com/photos/walkingsf/4974345289/.current
09:3209:32, 10 October 2016diffhist+319 N
File:Bart1.jpgImage used courtesy of Okamoto/Liskamm, Architects, Urban Designers, “Mission District Urban Design Study: 16th Street Station Area Section” and “Mission District Urban Design Study: 24th Street Station Area Section,” (1966). Image from Eric Fi...current
09:3009:30, 10 October 2016diffhist+233 N
File:Bart2.jpgImage used courtesy of Okamoto/Liskamm, Architects, Urban Designers, “Mission District Urban Design Study: 16th Street Station Area Section” and “Mission District Urban Design Study: 24th Street Station Area Section,” (1966).