Potrero Hill Rec Center

Unfinished History

O.J. Simpson returns to his original stomping grounds at the Potrero Hill Recreation Center in the late 1970s.

Photo: Potrero Hill Archive Project

Potrero Hill Rec Center, 23rd and Arkansas Streets, with a view of downtown. Mid 1990s.

This is the best place in the City to play pickup basketball; the excellent indoor courts were built partly with money donated by O.J. Simpson, who grew up in the neighborhood and hung out here as a kid. (An interesting 2004 novel, Winners, by Eric Martin passes through this site too, and gives an unusually insightful account of life in San Francisco's Sunset district and the Potrero Hill projects during the dot-com boom of 1999-2001.)

Potrero Hill Recreation Center in the mid 1990s.

Southerly view from back of Potrero Hill Rec Center field, over the Potrero Hill Housing Projects, Bayview Hill (with Candlestick Park in upper left corner) and San Bruno Mountain in distance, beyond the freeways.

Photos by Chris Carlsson

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