Category:Book Excerpts


Hastings College of Law Built on Genocide?

Excerpted with permission from An American Genocide: The United States and the California Indian Catastrophe, 1846-1873 (Yale University Press: New Haven & London 2016)


A Waterfront Planned: The 1990s and the New Millennium

The Embarcadero Reborn

The Waterfront Land Use Plan

Problems of Waterfront Planning

A Waterfront for the People?

The pages from this book A Negotiated Landscape © 2011 Jasper Rubin and the Center for American Places at Columbia College Chicago, are excerpted with permission.


Originally published in BART: The Dramatic History of the Bay Area Rapid Transit System Heyday Books: Berkeley CA, 2016

Key System and March of Progress

San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit Commission—The Beginnings

Planning and Selling BART

Building San Francisco's BART tunnels


Bump City by John Krich (City Miner Books, Berkeley CA: 1979); Originally a chapter in Bump City called “Captain Sal and the Age of Irony”

Incredible Bottom of the Ninth Comeback! The Oakland A’s Win Game 5 of the 1972 World Series

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Dishing It Out: Waitresses and Their Unions in the Twentieth Century, by Dorothy Sue Cobble (1991: University of Illinois Press: Urbana and Chicago

WAITRESSES and UNIONS The Fruits of Solidarity


Chinatown Vice

The Golden Dragon Restaurant Massacre

The Six Companies

By Kevin J. Mullen, excerpted with permission from "Chinatown Squad"

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From pages 1-6, the Introduction to Church and State in the City: Catholics and Politics in Twentieth-Century San Francisco by William Issel. Used by permission of Temple University Press. © 2013 by Temple University. All Rights Reserved.

Catholic San Francisco: A City of Contests


Originally published as the Epilogue in Free City! The Fight for San Francisco's City College and Education for All by PM Press, 2021

City College of SF: One Struggle Sets the Table for the Next

The following pages are not excerpted directly from this book, but are earlier versions that ended up after further revisions as chapters.

Education ‘Reform’ Meets Gentrification in San Francisco at City College

City College Faculty Fights for Fairness

Development Pressure Engulfs City College

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Mission Anti-Displacement Coalition

Rezoning the Eastern Neighborhoods in Early 2000s

Excerpts from Local Protest, Global Movements: Capital, Community, and State In San Francisco by Karl Beitel. Used by permission of Temple University Press. © 2013 by Temple University. All Rights Reserved.

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San Francisco Housing Authority 1937-1965: The Early Decades

Excerpted from More than Shelter: Activism and Community in San Francisco Public Housing by Amy L. Howard. Used by permission of the University of Minnesota Press. © Copyright 2014 by the Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved.


Sixth Star book cover

The Sixth Star

Women's Suffrage 1870

Ellen Clark Sargent

Emily Pitts Stevens

Women’s Co-operative Printing Union

West Coast Women's Congress Association

Suffragettes Gather

Sarah B. Cooper

The Bifurcated Skirt

First California Women in Law

Nellie Holbrook Blinn

Elizabeth Lowe Watson

Championing the Working Woman

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Second Freeway Revolt

Conservative Fight to Save Central Freeway

Dueling Ballots: The Central Freeway’s Fate

These articles are excerpted, with permission, from Henderson's book Street Fight: The Politics of Mobility in San Francisco, © 2013

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Yankee Women

Excerpted from Roxana's Children: The Biography of a Nineteenth-Century Vermont Family by Lynn A. Bonfield and Mary C. Morrison (Amherst: © 1995, University of Massachusetts Press).

Pages in category "Book Excerpts"

The following 58 pages are in this category, out of 58 total.