Unfinished History
Cow Palace, 1956, San Bruno Mountain to south.
Photo: San Mateo County History Museum
Cow Palace, 1950s.
Photo: OpenSFHistory.org wnp25.6554
Cow Palace in Visitacion Valley, 2020.
Photo: Chris Carlsson
1964 Republic National Convention at the Cow Palace, where Barry Goldwater was nominated to run against incumbent Lyndon Johnson. Johnson won in a landslide.
Photo: Warren K. Leffler, U.S. News and World Report magazine
[[Image:Ethel Merman singing at RNC August 1956 wnp14.13296.jpg|800px]
Singer Ethel Merman on stage at the Republican National Convention, August 20, 1956, with the Republican centennial commemorative logo at stage left.
Photo: OpenSFHistory.org wnp14.13296
San Francisco Mayor George Christopher addresses Republican National Convention at the Cow Palace, August 20, 1956.
Photo: OpenSFHistory.org wnp14.13300
Delegates on floor of Republican National Convention at Cow Palace, August 20, 1956.
Photo: OpenSFHistory.org wnp14.13291