Noe Valley Mural: Difference between revisions

New page: Image:Mural-history-panel 0852.jpg Mona Caron completed a double mural overlooking the Noe Valley Farmer's Market, in the Noe Valley Ministry Parking Lot eve...
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'''<font face = arial light> <font color = maroon> <font size = 3>Unfinished History</font></font> </font>'''
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'''This last image captures the big MayDay Immigrant march held on MayDay 2006, which proceeded on Mission Street at 24th. As a mural gracing 24th Street, Caron extended her subject matter to the Mission District as well, only a few blocks to the east.'''
'''This last image captures the big MayDay Immigrant march held on MayDay 2006, which proceeded on Mission Street at 24th. As a mural gracing 24th Street, Caron extended her subject matter to the Mission District as well, only a few blocks to the east.'''

[[24th and Castro 1997 |Prev. Document]] [[Noe Valley History|Next Document]]
[[22nd and Chattanooga 1920s |Prev. Document]] [[Noe Valley History|Next Document]]

[[category:Noe Valley]] [[category:2000s]] [[category:Public Art]]
[[category:Noe Valley]] [[category:2000s]] [[category:Public Art]]

Revision as of 20:16, 10 January 2009

Unfinished History

Mona Caron completed a double mural overlooking the Noe Valley Farmer's Market, in the Noe Valley Ministry Parking Lot every Saturday morning. Above is the callout with a look at historic Noe Valley, and following are a series of images of the two full size murals, and various details. (Photos: Chris Carlsson)

This last image captures the big MayDay Immigrant march held on MayDay 2006, which proceeded on Mission Street at 24th. As a mural gracing 24th Street, Caron extended her subject matter to the Mission District as well, only a few blocks to the east.

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