Key System and March of Progress: Difference between revisions

added map
added new category--East Bay!
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[[TRANSIT INTRODUCTION|Prev. Document]] [[A VISIT TO THE BAY AREA IN 1835|Next Document]]
[[TRANSIT INTRODUCTION|Prev. Document]] [[A VISIT TO THE BAY AREA IN 1835|Next Document]]

[[category:transit]] [[category:1930s]] [[category:1940s]]
[[category:transit]] [[category:1930s]] [[category:1940s]] [[category:East Bay]]

Revision as of 23:29, 6 January 2013

Unfinished History

A Key System train on the Bay Bridge, depicted in the opening celebratory newspaper.

Key System map, early 20th century

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The March of Progress: Tour of the modern interurban trolley system of San Francisco's East Bay and over the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. Predicts the bright postwar future of streetcar transit, with visionary images of advanced-design railcars. The Key System transbay service was abandoned in 1961.

Video: Prelinger Archive

An advertisement from the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company welcoming the new, modern Bay Bridge.

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