Key System and March of Progress: Difference between revisions

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'''A Key System train on the Bay Bridge, depicted in the opening celebratory newspaper.'''
'''A Key System train on the Bay Bridge, depicted in the opening celebratory newspaper.'''
'''Key System map, early 20th century'''

Revision as of 23:28, 6 January 2013

Unfinished History

A Key System train on the Bay Bridge, depicted in the opening celebratory newspaper.

Key System map, early 20th century

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The March of Progress: Tour of the modern interurban trolley system of San Francisco's East Bay and over the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. Predicts the bright postwar future of streetcar transit, with visionary images of advanced-design railcars. The Key System transbay service was abandoned in 1961.

Video: Prelinger Archive

An advertisement from the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company welcoming the new, modern Bay Bridge.

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